God The Father and His Creation of the Spiritual and Physical Universe


(This content which follows the Biblical account of Creation is written in a meditative way with some imaginative narrative). The Most High Father before Whom even the most Seraphic and unspeakably lofty Angels are said to cover their faces, was always a Person of broad vision and great challenge. What He wanted was a manifestation … Read more

The State of a Contemplative Living in the World

Hello dear reader and welcome to this article on the state of being a contemplative while living in the world. This post is from a document titled “All But Hidden.” Farrell Brothers Correspondence (F.B.C.) 07-02-22 My Brother, The focus of this document will be to tackle the perhaps rather elusive subject of contemplative souls living … Read more

7 Ways of Growing in Holiness

Christian soul, we must be persuaded that the end for which we are living on this earth is to get closer to the divinity, to the divine idea of ourselves as individual members of Christ’s Mystical Body.  Let us remind ourselves of some of the basic means of sanctification that should ordinarily be at our … Read more

Catholic Church Teaching | What is Hell and Where is it Located?

The following essay, Catholic Church Teaching on the nature and location of Hell, is taken from the collected works under the title, Articles and Manuscripts of Dominic Farrell. The document was originally simply titled ‘Hell’ and can be seen below in its originality. Hell A Brief Glance at Hell A grave crisis of today is … Read more

Mental Prayer | How it Works | The Method of St. Alphonsus

The following document on mental prayer, also called meditation, and in this case, ‘active meditation,’ is taken from the compiled works titled, Articles and Manuscripts of Dominic Farrell. Mental Prayer What is Mental Prayer and Why Should I Practice it? Mental Prayer is a means to stay in the state of grace, encounter God within … Read more