Interesting Facts About Guardian Angels | Catholic Angelology

Here you will find some very interesting facts about Guardian Angels, and Angels in general.  [Taken from Dominic’s Literature, Essays & Manuscripts.]  

The Guardian appointed by God to protect you throughout your human life is a spiritual creature in the state of blessedness. He is always in heaven even though he is said to be on a mission in the realm of men. Your angel is as much in heaven as one of the Saints or one of the highest angels without any external mission is said to be in heaven.  And yet you should not think of him, or any of the Blessed as very distant and far away from you. With a simple prayer, a movement of the will, a focusing of the mind or sigh of the heart, you can quite instantly contact heaven.

We might say your angel is closer to you than my angel only because your one has more to do with your life through God’s will than he does with my life.  So, Angels are said to be present wherever they exercise their power. Nevertheless, there are many interesting observations: since they have no physical attributes, no size, no shape, no colour, no weight, etc. they cannot be seen, touched or pointed at. In fact, if I were to ask you ‘where is your angel?’ you would be quite correct in saying that physically speaking, ‘he is nowhere.’ But spiritually speaking, the simple answer is ‘he is present with me, and he is present with God and the Blessed in heaven.’ Higher Angels such as the Virtues, may be said to be present where the planets and the stars are, keeping them in correct movement and order.

Or they may be in the atmosphere, controlling the weather. And the Principalities may be present near human rulers if it is their duty for example, to help in the political government of men. (If men are still not governed according to God’s laws this is no fault in the angels who always do the divine will and to the fullest extent of their power. Rather, it is a result of man’s lack of response to grace and the influence of the supernatural world.)

If you had the good fortune to see your Angel, the image of him would be less true to his reality or nature than if one of your patron Saints appeared to you. This is because a human soul was made to animate a body, whereas the angels were not. As a man might use a car to get a job done, so an angel might use a physical form to accomplish some errand in this world. Although they assist in the government of this world, they are of another world; they were never made for this one. We were made for this world, but only temporally, and even in the next life, we will still be human and therefore is it reasonable to suppose that we will enjoy some kind of perfected version of the natural world.

Your Angel’s Voice

God works through the angelic beings in many ways. It is a commonly held belief among various Fathers and Doctors of the Church that God has a custom of not often speaking or communicating directly to men but only through the medium of the angelic intellect and will. If your mind is enlightened and your heart stirred to fervour, this is indeed God speaking to you. But He does this through and in the angels and especially your Guardian Angel.  And what your Angel himself says to you in the form of admonition or encouragement is likewise from God on Whose behalf your angel speaks to you. In taking charge of you he is always actively employed in doing the holy will of God. To cooperate with him then, you could hardly do better than to ask him fervently and regularly to help you carry out the will of God in your life.

The Angel watching over you is a protection in the midst of invisible enemies and unforeseen perils. He is also a tutor, a guide, an elder brother and a friend. The protection he offers you as Guardian is both spiritual and temporal. He can divert physical as well as spiritual evils from befalling you. In regard to spiritual dangers, he protects you more effectively if you are devoted to him and essentially, if you genuinely strive to get to heaven. If you spend time in communication with your angel, he will share with you some of the great lights that are in his mind and which are essentially the effect of his divine contemplation. This will render you more inclined to lead a life of virtue as being the way to the fullness of this sublime and blessed fruition of God that your angel always enjoys.

Although you are spiritually poor, he is always residing in deepest and most sacred peace, and ever burning sweetly with love and zeal for God and the accomplishment of His will in all things and notably, in your life as an individual. The personality of your angel, when you meet him in the next life will be absolutely unique. It will be sharp, distinct and like none other in any respect whatsoever. For while your human friends and relatives are of the same species as yourself, your Guardian Angel is of a species all his own – he is nothing like any of his brother angels.

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