Hello Dear Reader, and welcome to our Official Website. Here at Messengers of Mary, we provide informative and inspiring articles on the authentic doctrine and spirituality of Catholicism. We especially promote the knowledge and love of Our Lady, the Mother of Christ.
As Jesus came to us through Mary by the marvellous Mystery of the Incarnation, where ‘He was conceived by the Holy Ghost’ and ‘born of the Virgin Mary,’ as The Apostle’s Creed states, so we consider it our mission to imitate this and lead others to Christ through the same wonderful and sweet means that He Himself chose, namely, through the Blessed Virgin Mary, who as the blessed Fathers of the Church state, is the Neck of the Mystical Body of Christ, and the channel of all graces, the vital link between the Head and members of the living Church of Christ.
Through a Marian based Catholic life and spirituality, we have the greatest assurance possible of being saved and of being saved as Saints.
As St. Louis de Montfort writes, “Mary’s strongest inclination is to unite us to Her Son Jesus.” – Treaties on True Devotion to the Blessed Virgin. This being so, we are honoured to serve the role as Mary’s Messengers, calling souls to Her Immaculate Heart as She requested at Fatima, so that She in turn can unite these souls to Jesus Christ.
Our Story – The Farrell Brothers
The initiators of our Apostolic movement, Messengers of Mary, are two brothers: Dominic and Michael Farrell. Dominic passed several years in monastic life, after which it was discerned that his gifts and zeal should be put to use as a lay Catholic. Michael also spent some years in an enclosed Carmelite Order, after which he too was advised by his superiors at the end of his Novitiate to pursue a devout Catholic, and if possible apostolic based life in the world.
Dominic was a writer for some time and Michael also wrote many spiritual and devotional works. They share a similar relish and great interest in both Carmelite and Marian forms of spirituality which they consider to be inseparable. They also consider the interior life of holiness and a fervent love for Mary to be inextricably linked to each other.
Below: (1) Michael Farrell, Initiator of Messengers of Mary.
(2) Dominic Farrell, Co-Founder of Messengers of Mary.

Why Are We Reaching Out?
We are of the conviction that not all exposing of Catholic doctrine and encouragement towards a deeper life in Christ through Mary, should be the task of Priests and Religious. In fact we believe that the voice of lay Catholics has a very important role in today’s Catholic community.
That is why we want to do our part as laymen in the Church to further enlighten and motivate those who are already in the fold, and where possible, to bring the Word of God and the joy of Christ to others who are either outside the Catholic family or who have fallen away and ceased to practice their faith.
We also have great faith in the abundant spiritual benefits, both to individuals and the Church as a whole, that a clearer understanding and more ardent and persevering devotion to Mary has to offer in today’s world.
Our Goal with Messengers of Mary
It is our goal with Messengers of Mary is to reach out to as many people as possible with the message of salvation and holiness through Marian Spirituality.
We also hope to achieve a network of like-minded people who can discuss matters of faith and the interior life together. Where possible, we aim to organise meet-ups with fellow Catholics, especially the youth and to arrange for priests to deliver conferences with Q&A sessions.
We are also in the process of building a presence both on YouTube and on social media. We are firm believers in utilising the power of the internet for the success of our ministry.
If you ever need a hand or have any questions, feel free to leave them below and we will be more than happy to help you out.
To Jesus through Mary!
Dominic Farrell,
Co-Founder of messengersofmary.com